Tumbling towards 2.0

So sorry for the quiet month! We’ve been hard at work on the next iteration of Tumblr, and today we’re ready to pull back the curtain and let you play with some new features we’re totally excited about.

Snappy new interface

The first thing you’ll notice is the slick new Dashboard screen. There’s a ton of new functionality coming to Tumblr, and we’ve been meticulous in keeping the interface focused and dead-simple.
Tumblr Dashboard

Follow your friends

One of our favorite things about the tumblelog form is just how easy it makes keeping up with the people around us. We’ve streamlined this process even more by letting you follow all your friends on your Dashboard.

More mobile

We’ve been thrilled with the amount of mobile activity Tumblr has been seeing since we turned on mobile photo uploads. As of today, you can send text messages to the same address, letting you update Tumblr from anywhere.

ReBlog stuff you love

Tumblelogs are already the easiest way to share stuff you find or create. But next time you want to share something you find on another tumblelog, just ReBlog it. ReBlogging let’s you quickly share content you discover on other tumblelogs, and even add or change the commentary.


When you’re logged into Tumblr, the ReBlog button is displayed on permalink pages and friends’ posts on your Dashboard.

What’s still missing?

Plenty. This is still only a tiny bit of the vision, and we still have lots more to launch over the next few weeks. A few pieces that are noticeably absent:

  • More ways to find friends – It seems like a no-brainer to show friends of your friends, but we have some interesting tools for this that aren’t quite ready uncover. More ways to discover tumblelogs are right around the corner.
  • Two-way communication – We hear you! And believe me, this feature is just as important to us. It’s been a lot of work to build an innovative system that doesn’t fall into the same trap that blog comments have. We’re on to something really cool, and we promise you’ll be playing with it soon!
  • More ReBlog feedback – ReBlogging gets really cool when we start tracking the life of stuff you post on Tumblr. Imagine following your photo as it’s shared across thousands of users, always pointing back to the creator, while mapping the web of users along the way.

And some bugs fixed


  • The Write API is no longer failing to create photos in certain instances.
  • PRE tags should no longer be seeing extra new-line entities in their markup. (Thanks Tim Lucas!)

So what do you like? What don’t you like? What are you excited about? And what do you absolutely need to see make it into the next update?

As always, your support has been immeasurable. The feedback from this rapidly growing community has been absolutely inspiring, and we are so excited to continue developing Tumblr with you. Thank you!

376 responses to “Tumbling towards 2.0

  1. That’s great, but you kicked me off while writing a post! I had that feeling as when a term paper is lost during a computer crash. OK not that bad, but not a good feeling. I gave up on it, I was just rambling anyway.

  2. Hey, guys. I already love the new Dashboard interface. And, I can’t wait to see how you handle comments. BTW, I came upon an interesting WordPress comments solution today that would be pretty cool if ported to Tumblr:


    Thanks again for making such a great product! I’m vacationing in California next week and plan to tumblelog the whole thing from my phone via SMS and camera on Tumblr!

    Marc :-)

  3. great work, keep plugging in new features…

    however, the bookmarklet process seems broken now — when i highlight text and click on tumblr bookmarklet, the resultant form fields are shown url encoded (i.e., %20, %7C, etc.…)

    my tumblr wish list?

    1. search
    2. comment (or some sort of reader/viewer feedback mechanism)
    3. code/source blocks

  4. Really nice work! That was a nice suprise when I logged to my account =D

    Some of my feature requests…

    1. Ability to upload photo from http://www.tumblr.com/new/text – for now, I have to create a photo post, copy the image link, delete the photo post before it get’s to RSS, add the image to the test post. That is very annoying, I hope you’ll add the Upload box to the Text post as soon as possible :)

    2. Sidebar gadget for Vista (Simply recode the dashboard one) Pleaseeee!

    3. PHP support in the template editing

    2naum: You can simply add a Google or Live search to your tumblr blog, and even style the results under your blog’s design!

  5. Absolutely love it! Thanks so much for the continued hard work toward making tumblr even greater.

    It’s greatly appreciated.

  6. Pretty cool stuff.

    How is the progress on embedding code snippet going? (Without having to disable Rich Text Editing)

  7. I like the dashboard color scheme a lot more than the old lime-colored one.

    Good stuff.

  8. Excellent work ! Thank you !

    But, i still have a question :

    Why the flower of tumblr’s logo isn’t already your favicon ?? Missing ??

    ;-) !

  9. The new settings for feeds are great, but there doesn’t seem to be an option to apply them to a feed one’s already importing, short of deleting it and adding it again. The feed import’s a bit glitchy anyhow – I’m importing a tag feed from del.icio.us, and when I last bookmarked a site with that tag, tumblr suddenly imported 30 other links as well! Overall though, tumblr is fantastic – I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeves next: my main desire is to have some way of discovering other people’s tumblelogs, so I’m glad that’s in the works.

  10. thanks a lot for your work! i was quite surprised to be greeted by the new interface :)

    i’d have a silly unrelated request for the /radar: could you make the links either middle-clickable or target=_blank?
    it would be great, sometimes i want to follow more than one link but i tend to get easily lost :)

  11. (forget my request, there’s something wrong with my mouse!)

  12. There doesn’t seem to be a way to mass delete items. So, for instance, I imported a feed that I then deleted — but all the items are still on my Tumblr. Do I have to delete them all one at a time? If so, could we have a way to mass delete? :)

  13. This is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I love it!

  14. great work. looks amazing.

    would also like to have search (i use mine also as a kind of journal and i ‘just know i had this somewhere’ and hate going through dozens of pages until i find it).

    apart from that i thinks this is becoming an addiction. glad i joined.

  15. How about support for custom favuicons? Maybe the icon we upload in Settings could be our favicon?

    Thanks again!

    Marc :-)

  16. I loves it. Very smooth.
    However, is there anyway you could have an audio post like the video post?

    I’ve always wanted followers.

    cheers Hank.

  17. Love all the new changes, but you don’t seem to be handling Vox feeds quite right. One of my latest posts includes a video that I believe is 500px wide. It looks fine on Vox, but on my Tumblr site it’s busting out of my theme dimensions.

  18. A lot of nice stuff here. Here are my thoughts on what future releases ought to include:

    1) Custom favicons would be a nice addition. We’ve got one now, but we’re having to host it off-site.

    2) Support for multiple authors would be ACES. I’m already running a tumblr with several authors, but we’re using the same password. I realize, of course, that we could all just get our own tumblr blogs and import those feeds. That’s a little more trouble than I’d like to go through.

    3) Consider making it easier for users to use a custom banner/logo for their blogs. Again, we’ve done this already, and it’s not hard, but you guys seem to want things to be as easy as possible.

    4) Create a Tumblelog directory that groups Tumblr blogs by category and allows a search by topic.

    Finally, I’m not sure why, but for some Tumblr blogs, the “dashboard” and “add to friends” buttons in the top right corner don’t appear. This appears to be isolated to blogs that use their own domain names.

  19. Pingback: Labnotes » The distance between blogging and Twitter

  20. Would love to have custom Favicons.

    The add friends and dashboard link don’t show up when the tumblr is served from a custom domain name.

    It’s cool that is shows my friends’ posts in the dashboard, but it would be even more useful if I could get a feed of that, instead of adding them individually to my feed reader.

  21. Great work! Can’t wait for the rest of the features to roll out. I love Tumblr!!!

  22. “The add friends and dashboard link don’t show up when the tumblr is served from a custom domain name.”

    Except SOMETIMES they do show up on custom domains. It’s really weird.

  23. I think the service-specific feeds still need some kind of attribution, like ‘via my Digg’ or ‘linked at my del.icio.us.’ Otherwise, as a linking and importing feature, these imported services look really ambiguous and are confusing to the reader. We’re sending them *somewhere else,* but we haven’t given them any indication that the link/headline they’re about to click on actually lives *somewhere else.*

  24. Great update guys – the dashboard looks fantasic… just one question.
    How come images no longer appear in the tumblr RSS feeds?

    keep up the great work!

    Your #1 Australian tumblr fan!

  25. I love the new interface, though the graphics aren’t quite as quick to use for me–but Tumblr definitely is a lot prettier now!

    A feature I hope you guys will consider is sort of sidebar for RSS feeds. For example, if you’re importing a Last.fm feed, it seems like it would crowd my Tumblr if every single track played was displayed. (Haven’t experimented much with this yet though, so I’m honestly not sure how this works.) If there were some sort of sidebar feature for RSS feeds that displayed, say, the last five items without posting them to my actual Tumblr, I’d definitely integrate more feeds into/onto my Tumblr.

    Anyway, no real complaints! Great update. Very cool Tumblr is starting to develop a social aspect. This will probably encourage my friends to read my blog and perhaps be more likely to join. Seems like a great direction for the site and can’t wait to see the new features!

  26. didn’t my old rss have images? or am I imaging things?

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  28. Thanks for fixing that newline problem. You guys are going great guns with the new developments.

  29. My requests are as follows.

    1. Tags (i’d rather have tags than categories, and i think it fits with the real idea of a tumblelog better, it isn’t just blog lite)

    2. Search (to address the other half of the organization problem, right now there is no way to go back to the things you have posted other than paging through, which is beyond painful)

    thats it really, everything else is just neat extras, like custom favicons and such. Also, whatever other features you add please make them optional, i would like to be able to keep the current stripped down format if so desired, not be forced into having comments on each post etc.

    Great job guys
    – Kevin J

  30. What a brilliant version 2 for Tumblr! I really like the new features.

    Just one thing I’ve noticed when adding a friend to watch. Their icon links to their tumble log, but their name links to my site.


  31. Kudos for the new features.

    However, like Kevin J and for the exact same reasons he exposes just two posts above, I think that tags and search are tremendously missing to tumblr.

  32. First of all, a big thanks for Tumblr! It’s great.

    A small feature request: it can make sense to have two RSS options: “one entry per Tumblr post” (as it is now) and “one entry per day” (as it is on anarchaia.org).
    Reason: when browsing tumblelog online, posts are grouped inside each day, and it’s good; RSS breaks this impression.

    Thank you and please sorry my poor English.

  33. Oh, So goooood!
    It’s comfortable.
    Thanks for your great works.

  34. Looks great. A search function would really be nice however. With no archive list it would be very handy.

  35. Awesome. Thanks for all the hard work!

  36. 2 more requests :)

    1. Tags
    2. Update Theme Preview doesn’t work in Opera, refreshes twice in FF

    Philip Seyfi, fs-studio.eu

  37. Looks very cool indeed,a widget to automatically link on your sidebar to people your following would be aces.

  38. Looks pretty awesome. I just started using Tumblr because I saw a flickr screenshot of the dashboard page and thought it looked spiffy.

    I even just released a Tcl library for the Tumblr API – http://blog.eridi.us/post/1311024

  39. I love the new interface.
    Do you plan to introduce some kind of traffic report?

  40. Thanks for Tumblr, I love it !

    And the new admin interface looks really great ! I can’t wait your particular comments system no longer :-)

    I only ask for audio streams :-)

    Thanks again.

  41. A brilliant update, thanks. However, there are a couple of things I’d like to seem implemented:

    1. Importing other Tumblr feeds. I’d like to have a page aggregating the content of my and other friends’ tumblelogs. Or, even better, multiple authors.

    2. More feed options, namely, the ability to import only the latest post per day. So that, for instance, Tumblr doesn’t automatically import the fifty images you just uploaded to Flickr (mind you, you can actually circumvent this in Flickr – by setting a ‘tumblr’ tag and importing just that tag’s feed -, but not in other similar sites).

    3. Reblogging is quite useful (see point 1.), but it’d be nice if it automatically appended a “via …” link at the end of the posts. Also, what about a ‘reblog’ button next to each post in people’s tumblelogs if you are logged in (ie, as with friends’ posts in the dashboard)? Having to enter the permalink page is an annoying extra step.

    4. Monthly archives.

    5. Not that I miss it terribly (after all, Tumblr’s charm is its apparent simplicity), but the ability to have a second collumn with more RSS content would be a nice addition in 3.0.

    Thanks again,


  42. @ausim: You can sign up at Google Analytics and embed the javascript they supply before your tag in your custom theme. It’s free and they supply a boatload of information about your visitors.


  43. Sorry I left something out in the previous comment…you embed the Google Analytics code before your closing body tag in your custom theme.

  44. I also love the new interface – nice work.

    My wishlist? Working with RSS readers like net news wire and vienna to add bookmarklet-like tumblr functionality. I do most of my web reading via RSS and would love to be able to post from there.

  45. like the new interface! very spiffy =) i’m excited to see what new features will be coming out next!


    1). The ability to disable those “coming in no time” comments (aka: tumblr “classic”).

    2). A simple “contact the author” form (with a “how much is 4 + 9” sort of antispam field).

    3). DOCUMENTATION. I’ll love to know every “dinamic tag” we could use in the HTML, like the date ones, etc.


    I’ve customized a theme. Sometimes, I backup my themes code and change to one of the existing themes to look around it’s code, but when I go again to “custom” and paste my backuped code, the “dinamic” colors are gone. Instead of the ones I specified in the code, the ones from the last existing theme I selected are used. I have to change them all again through the “easy-to-use color selector fields” below the code block.
    Thats really annoying.

    I’ve tryed adding a del.icio.us feed, but not using the “del.icio.us” option, but the “RSS feed” instead, because I wan’t to import just the bookmarks tagged with a specific tag. Nothing happened, I’m still waiting. The feeds url its like this…
    …any thoughts why isn’t it working?


    Some “I LOVE TUMBLR” or “TUMBLR FAN” banners wouldn’t hurt :D

    Anyway, I LOVE tumblr just as it is, and I hope you don’t get too exited about adding features and lose that “minimalist, clean & quick” feeling that you’ve got now ;)

    Great, GREAT work guys. Really.

  47. Ok, finally the “del.icio.us” RSS feed appeared in my tumblr, ITS WORKING. Its just a little bit slow.
    What I’ve noticed is that it has some problem with the codification. For example…
    “colección de tipografías” (typography collection in spanish)
    …has problem with accents.

    Is this because how del.icio.us builds the feed? Isn’t there anything you/me can do about it?

  48. I love the new interface and updates. For those of us who have multiple tumbrs, it would be useful for the tumblr bookmarklet to state somewhere which tumblr will get posted when you click submit.
    Keep up the wonderful innovation.


  49. Very nice work! But don’t forget keep it simple, free of noise, requirements, and commitments.

  50. GhostVirus calls out “Tumblr Whiners” asking for “every WordPress feature under the sun”.

    I must confess that I have lobbied for search and comments features.

    1. Search is important because as my Tumblr log grows, I’d like to be able to find post content. Tumblr is evolving into a del.icio.us replacement for me, and I’d like to be able to be a click away from finding an item that my feeble mind has long forgotten. Google just isn’t performing a complete indexing solution, and barring a search, I may just roll my own.
    2. On a commenting feature, I suppose it is necessary for me to clarify my wish — I don’t envision a “comment roll” for each post type of deal as is customary with the typical blogging software package. Instead, I propose more of a message board affair, one global topic (or maybe custom tags, for multiple categories, but nothing terribly complicated). No registration system either, unless maybe it’s tied to a universal Tumblr implementation — a decent enough CAPTCHA test to allow quickie style sound offs, and some template variables so that the last 10-15 comments could be shown on Tumblr page. Comments not as critical as search, but it would be nice and really round out the superb package that Tumblr offers. And, let me add, I would be willing to pay for that extra feature too.

    All and all, keep up the great work, but don’t be surprised when users ask for features, especially when prompted…

  51. I use a banner in the description field as my tumblelog title (the title is actually there for RSS purposes, but I’ve set it at a “0” font size to fake invisibility). However, my description image is showing up in its HTML form on my site. I keep fixing it in the dashboard, but the changes won’t stick. Any idea what’s up?

  52. Sarah, I use an image for my title as well, but using a slightly more effective method than yours. Check out my CSS to steal whatever bits that may help you.

  53. Thanks Ghosty. Nice of you to say “slightly” more effective. More like “totally obviously”.

  54. 2Ed: You can add as many columns as you want… viz. my blog > http://blog.fs-studio.eu/

  55. One new idea: “Sound post” where you would upload a sound that would be posted as a customizable (design) flash player with that sound.

  56. Is there anyway you could put up a picture of a scary looking hippo or sometihng? That might keep the monkeys off my computer.

  57. Just adding my voice to the general noise about tags and searching: yes please.

    The new interface is very pretty. I like the idea that it should be more useful than a blog control panel. Please, not too much myspace-like fluff; but this is all good so far!

  58. my wishlist:

    1- tags
    2- a kind of widget to see our community (friends and followers)

    no more…

    just a mini-bug report: if i want posting an image the first time an error occurred and i need to reposting. This time still good…

    thanks a lot ;)

  59. Hi, I’ve a little question.
    Does tumblr support opera browser?
    Thanks for the answer

  60. Wonderful! I love the new dashboard! thanx!

  61. Could you add nicknames?

  62. Two small suggestions:

    1) Break the posts in the dashboard by date, just like in the tumblog.

    2) Put links to this blog, the FAQ etc on the dashboard.

  63. I had a dream last night. In the dream lawn gnomes said you should add way to see random tumblr pages…possibly even a directory.

    Personally I think this is a terrible idead, but the gnomes are very persuasive.

  64. @Vinciiii:

    Tumblr seems to work just fine with the short browsing I just did.

  65. Feature request: Could you make it so that PNGs and GIFs uploaded as photos are not converted to jpg?

  66. iván s.: “Could you make it so that PNGs and GIFs uploaded as photos are not converted to jpg?”

    Yes, Iván! This is on our to-do list. More info:


  67. Tags? Yes, please. Though, I have to admit I have a bit of a crush on tumblr just as it is …

  68. Another feature (aside from comments) that I’d like to see on tumblr is to expand upon the video function. It seems to only work with Youtube. Videos are also uploaded and shared through other sites like Photobucket but I can’t embed them into my tumblog because the HTML code doesn’t like the embed code and the video function won’t work with it.

    Another idea is to allow us to reorder the content as we please, so if we posted something earlier that day that we would like to stay on top of the blog, we’d be able to drag and drop it there.

    And though I’m sure someone must’ve mentioned it by now–a search function. (: Better for users and organization.

    Thanks for all your work!

  69. Pingback: Tumble Upon · mornography.de

  70. One tiny bug that I’ve found is, if you select some text on a page and click your “Share on Tumblr” bookmarklet, it brings it up as a quote post and deletes all the linebreaks, which is normal (I think). However, if you click that you want to make the selected text a regular post (which is what I normally want to do with huge chunks of text), it doesn’t bring the linebreaks back. I still have to copy-and-paste all my text in to retain linebreaks. Thanks guys and keep up the fantastic work!

  71. I know you’re trying to keep the interface simple, but some BASIC filtering of a tumbl would be great! Being able to show JUST quotes, JUST discussions, JUST images, etc — would be awesome…

    Keep up the amazing work!

  72. I love Tumblr, but have two little problems. I had an HTML flickr badge in the “description” It worked some of the time, and other times it would just show the HTML. Are there any workarounds without using a custom theme?

    Also, can you please add a “save settings” button at the top of the Settings page, right now you have two scroll all way to the bottom of the page.

    Thank You!

  73. One problem I see with the new UI is that you’re hiding the options for delete etc behind a rollover. For a new user, heck for me, my initial reaction was “where are all the options”.

    Hiding such important parts of your UI is a serious design mistake. They should always be shown. At the moment you’re expecting the user to hunt around the screen just to work out how to use it.

  74. One other thing that got dropped with the new dashboard UI is a page count (or I am too blind to see it now…)…

    …now I’m going to be in the dark when I hit my 100th, 500th, 1000th, 10000th, 100000th, 1000000th, 10000000th, 1000000000th page…


  75. No sé si alguien de Tumblr habla en español. Estoy encantado con mi nuevo tumblelog. Le puse comentarios de haloscan, pero no me gusta como quedan, así que espero los de ustedes, que seguro serán mucho mejores. Y sugiero también alguna interface sencilla para subir archivos de audio al blog.

  76. Pingback: Library clips :: Roundup : Wakoopa, TweetTweet, Twazr, Tumblr updated, ZoopIn ShoutOut :: May :: 2007

  77. Tumblr has become an obsession for me! Thanks guys/gals. Two things i would love to see:

    1. Audio for me entire site (except when another blog contains audio)and ability to turn it on or off
    2. Ability to customize audio to a single blog entry
    3. Ability to sort blogs oldest on top
    4. Ability to have several tumbleblogs


  78. Great job guys, keep up the good work!

  79. Pingback: Tumblr Adds Features, Social Components | Internet Marketing Blog

  80. Tumblr has made blogging fun again! Thanks so much for the service.

    I like the new Dashboard interface but I agree with Richard that rollover effect for modifying posts is unintuitive.

    – How about a forum for support? The Tumblr community has a wealth of knowledge. Let us share it!

    – Commenting. I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeves.

    – Saving of draft posts?

    – Better video post creation: I agree with Hanna that, so far, it works best with YouTube. I have video on my site that I would like to be able to post as easily as one can post from YouTube.

    – fionda is on to something as well. It would be great if, for someone that has more than one tumblog, there were an option with the bookmarklet, to choose which tumblog you want to post to. Maybe even a dashboard area that allows you to administer more than one tumblog from one panel.

    – …I’m sure I’ll think of something else…

  81. Oh yeah:

    – tags

    …told ya I would think of something else =-)

  82. Oh, wait, I though of another one:

    – The ability, mid-post, from the dashboard, to change the type of post you are creating (like you can in the pop-up window accessed by the bookmarklet)

    There have been many times I have been writing one type of post and decided that the topic would be better served by another type.

    …I think that’s it…

  83. Pingback: Tumblelogs are fun! at Ramkumar Shankar

  84. I’m gradually coming around to the idea that the posts for a given day should be shown latest last, not latest first.

    I often find I’ve posted a follow up to an earlier post that day; which of course does not work. The follow-up gets shown first.

  85. It would be great if Tumblr could host stylesheets/images/scripts and what not for those of us using a custom theme (I modified a WordPress to work with Tumblr and of course there were a ton of image files and what not to go with that).

  86. Great improvements guys!!!

    I love the new interface.

    The only thing I want to be completely happy is to have comments in my tumblelog :-D. I know it’s in your ToDo list, but I hope to have it soon.

    Continue the good job!

  87. It’s so purrrrdy, well done guys, I didn’t think I could love tumblr even more but you’ve outdone yourselves =p

  88. It seems that Tumblr wants to strip anything it deems “extraneous” out of my links. I tried to install the Lightbox2 script but it requires that there be more between and tags than just the path. Anything else Tumblr removes. I’d like it to stop that =-)

    If your interested:

  89. Could you expand the display capability? 15 posts seems very limiting

  90. Trés pretty, but yes, more posts per page please…otherwise it quickly becomes all a twitter…

  91. Pingback: SoftSaurus

  92. My, what a terribly unintelligible and misleading comment I left earlier. My apologies. What I meant to say was that Tumblr seems to strip everything except the “href” attribute from links in posts.

    Lightbox is a script that allows a translucent layer to appear above the current window and for a picture to appear within that translucent layer. It is all explained much better here:

    In order for Lightbox to work Tumblr would need to cease removing everything except the“href” attribute from links and allow more info, specifically, for the purposes of this commenter, the “rel” and “title” attributes. These are necessary for the Lightbox script to work.

    The applicable post (and the only applicable post until I get this to work) is here:

    I have a forum post started here if anyone is interested:

    So I guess that is my request: that Tumblr allow us to use more that simply the “href” attribute in posts.

  93. I am Tumblr-addicted. I already have two tumbleblogs with two different email-adresses. But the constant logging in and logging out is annoying. Could it be possible for one user to manage two tumbleblogs? And change the bookmarklet ina way that it asks you which blog you want to contribute an item to?

  94. nice update, but you have a long way to go.

    feature requests:

    1. post search

    2. easier way to move through tumblog pages (previous/next sucks)

    3. more/improved templates or at least a less buggy custom template creator (doesnt like opera and updating the css and refreshing the preview is a pain in the ass).

    4. easier ways to customize templates and body, width and content properties without messing with the css.

    5. easier way to add customer header image (text as a title sucks).

    6. improved Opera support

    7. tagging

    8. better bookmarklet.. one that doesnt try to best-guess what you want to do, mostly getting it wrong.

    9. more than 15 posts per page.

    10. hit counter

    11. custom favicons

    12. different “todays top tumblogs” always the same few sites.

    im sure i’ll think of more but these are by far the most annoying problems

  95. Better HTML markup maybe?

    Why are the quotes wrapped inside “span” tags when you could simply use “blockquote”?

  96. Neato! Looks like you’re well on your way to awesome-ness

  97. coolness! just used the re-blog feature with awesome success. so glad to hear you’re working on some sort of comment system too. can’t wait for that one. i’ve been programming a .NET version of tumblr for my own personal use and adding comments because that was my biggest beef with your service. however, if you’re on it, i can scrap my work. :-)

  98. The new Dashboard screen is great!

  99. like the new dashboard, it looks very eye-candy. and thanks for the tumblet, it really makes twitter obsolete for those little textmessages that just come to my mind and want to be posted.
    to temporarly solve the missing comments on my tumblr page I just added a meebo widget into the description and it seems to be working – it’s an interesting way of replacing comments…like it, although I don’t really like meebo, especially their awwful looking page, but I just use it to see if someone said something on my tumblr page.

    but anyway, great work guys – really felt in love with tumblr as my secondary blog with all the stuff I come around on the web that don’t fit into my “real” blog’s topics. and of course it’s just fun to post everything with the lovely bookmarklet…I’am really looking forward to the future enhancements and some more “social features” but it seems you’re working on this;-)

    what I also really would like to see is a way for the visitor to view just all cites, all text, all pics, all vids, all links – kind of a category system with only the categories you allready offer for posting.

  100. @danimal

    “Saving of draft posts”
    That breaks the whole simplicity thing. A tumblelog is drafty by nature, and having the ability of working upon a post over and over makes it no different than the good old “blog”.

  101. Hey guys, great work.

    Quick Q: My dashboard widget is complaining that authentication is failing. Are the credentials for this different than those on the website?

  102. Hey folks – Very sorry we missed this. If the Tumblet is throwing “Access Denied” errors, please download and re-install. It was made before the official Tumblr API, and required an update to work correctly.

  103. (Shameless self plug) For everyone who wants to try out a windows based tumblr client please visit http://www.feedfeast.com/wintumblr/. It requires .NET 2 to run. It’s main feature is support for multiple accounts. I’ve also linked to some of my source code (C#) for those wanting to write their own clients.

  104. Where’s the comments part?

    Its a tumblelog – but it’d be gr8 if u can add the “Comment” feature


  105. hope there will be an option to adjust the size of the pictures, videos, or to automatically adjust the whole page. i find it too big..big fonts big pictures, big videos…. it hurts my eyes..

  106. I second the thing about the “top tumblogs” being the same ones every time. Are these actually the most-viewed tumblogs? What are your criteria?

  107. @Andy: probably, at some point they were, and once they stuck there for a while, they well… got even more stuck to the top. It’s a catch 22: they’re on top because they’re the most viewed, and being on the top makes people view them, and so on.

    Some suggestions:
    – top tumblelogs in the dashboard, not just the homepage
    – comments (maybe something alike twits, forcing them to be short)
    – one new type of post that (I think) doesn’t break the simplicity goal of tumblelogs: lists (like 5ives.com).
    – better markup for the default themes (quotes in blockquotes, e.g.)
    – separate theme editing from setting (the page gets too long, which is specially noticeable when oe must scrooooooooooooll to get to the Save button)
    – an option to display friended tumblelogs in the template (similarly to a blogroll)

    Keep up the good work :)

  108. @chino:
    adding resizing to pictures, videos, text, would just add another layer of complexity, and I love having a simple blog because I update it SOOO much more often and don’t get bored of it. Plus, it’s very Web 2.0 to have big, bold elements.

  109. On another note, why does reblogging not automatically cite the source of the post, like images, videos, etc, do? I’d like to give credit where credit is due.

    I also second whoever said that hiding the edit buttons is a bad idea. And they’re also really small now.

  110. Just to set the cat among the pigeons:
    * I don’t agree that the editing buttons are more difficult to use.
    * I don’t want to see the top tumblrs in the dashboard. They don’t work for me anyway.
    * I like the idea of a “lists” posts type, though.

  111. … just typing “site:tumblr.com” into google is a lot more fun than ‘todays top tumblogs’. Sorry about that.

    On a seperate note, maybe this is me just being an old fogey, but I don’t really want to mark every blog I like as a “friend”. I’d like an “aquaintance” button! Seriously, it would be nice to have two lists of friends, so I could see just the posts from one list, but have a note of the others…

  112. Eurgh. Three in a row. Sorry. But I think this one is important.

    I want to actually have a tumblog that other people will maybe find interesting, can read. That’s cool, I can that. (Well, maybe not the “interesting” bit.)

    I also want to use Tumblr to mash-up a bunch of other blogs that I read regularly. That’s cool, I can do *that*, too.

    BUT, here’s the rub. I can’t do both at the same time without having two different accounts. And I can’t have two different accounts without using two different email addresses.

    Perhaps if I could have my mashup appear in the Dashboard?

  113. I love tumblr. The interface is wonderful and it makes it easy to collect web ephemera.

    I do have one request for the reblog function. Can it automatically add credit in some fashion? Like a “From sosandso: ” prefix or a “(via blah)” link at the end. I like passing on people’s content but I want to make sure they get noted as the place I found it.

  114. It seems the “{PostID}” tag mentioned in the “Changes a brewin” post ( http://blog.davidville.com/2007/03/30/changes-a-brewin/ ) is no longer working.

    Is this a bug that popped up recently?

  115. Back again!

    I just tried to print an article posted from a Tumblr and it attempted to print the entire blog…

    I think maybe it should stop at the end of the page?

  116. Valid RSS feeds…

  117. tumblr is my new favorite! very fun. :) umm, i also would like some kind of a comment system. tried a few different things like adding javascript commenting tool and meebo widget but couldn’t get them to work. maybe tumblr disables some html?? i thought so until i saw some other user here comment about having meebo on there. hmmmm. *shrug*

  118. nevermind. i got meebo to work. yippee. :)

  119. Tags.

    I’d like to see tags and a tag-cloud.

    That’s it.

    All my filtering needs would be addressed.

    Outside of that – keep it simple.


  120. Tags. Let me tag my posts, and I will be more than happy.

  121. feature request
    – search
    – navigation
    like page 1,2,3,..,last

  122. We gots the video, we needs the audio. Once we gots it, we won’t needs it, but we still wants it.

  123. I can embed music by calling it a video post and using tags with Twango.

  124. I post music as a link-post pointing to a file hosted elsewhere. I added some javascript to the template to allow visitors to stream the mp3s in the same page.

  125. I guess you can embed polls as video posts. ¿Anybody know of good ones?

  126. Iván, have you tried http://www.twiigs.com/ yet? It lets you play with its CSS, it looks pretty customizable. I haven’t tried it by myself do… yet.

    PS: Have I mentioned that a “search” feature would rock?

  127. delFUEGO: Se ve bien, I might try it. I liked your blog as well -I even stole from it.

  128. I conjecture, that OpedID support in tumblr would be great feature.
    For LiveJournal users that could be a great opportunity to use lighter and more transparent service with traditional feedback from lj-friends.

  129. I really would love to see the ability to create draft posts. That way I could create a heap of content in one go and publish when I want to.
    Beyond that I’d love to see Tumblr support multiple users on the one account with different access levels.

  130. Love the new interface, but I’m actually very bummed out on the “Reblog” feature. It gives no credit to the actual source, and since I use my own server to host pics and other media on my tumblelog, other sites are now feeding off my bandwidth.

    I’ve been blogging for a long time and I know that there are 2 golden rules:

    1. Never steal someone’s bandwidth
    2. Always give credit

    Reblogging breaks both of those golden rules, and that’s a problem — especially when I’ve spent some time composing something and another tumblelog just posts it as its own.

  131. I really like the new interface, it keeps things simple (even for advanced users).

    For an update I prefer:
    – Modifying the date and time of a post
    – Draft posts
    – Commenting
    – Navigation as in a sort of monthly archive

  132. I love tumblr because it’s so lightweight. I love that there are no drafts, tag clouds, polls, pseudo-mashups or any rubbish that bloats other blogging systems. All I’m missing is code snippet.

  133. I love tumblr, but noticed that subjects from sending email updates to my account do not show up as a title. Any fixes?

  134. I love tumblr and completely agree with Adam (2 posts above). Tumble-blogging is about posting with as little as possible thinking, not reworking drafts over and over.

    The only thing that would kick even more ass would be the ability to use custom domains with /blog.

    I ran a serious blog for two years and this way is so much more refreshing. Thanks for making it easy!

  135. Oh, and should ‘Blogs’ now be renamed to ‘Tlogs?’ -_^

  136. @Vincent:
    I guess you are right about the draft-idea. Keeping it simple is what makes Tumblr great…

    In that case, I would love to see:
    – Commenting (or other two-way communication)
    – Navigation as in a sort of monthly archive

  137. I’d love it if I could host my tumblelog locally!

    Then I could have a fav icon, and I could also keep my own copy of my archives.

  138. and it’d be fab if there was an easy way to add a header image

  139. you need to integrate google picasa albums with your photo option. I can’t seem to get that to work.

  140. One request: the ability to mark favorites throughout Tumblr sites. It would be awesome to have a page that kept track of peoples’ favorites.

  141. Huge request: I think Tumblr’s image resizing is an awesome thing to add to a blogging platform, but as you know it kind of sucks.

    Sometimes I use picnik.com to crop an image before uploading it to Tumblr. It works nice, as does their resizing tool.

    Please consider if the two of you could complement each other someway. I love both of your technologies.

  142. I really love making feature requests: I would love to have the date of my posts in Spanish.

  143. iván s. said:

    “[…] I would love to have the date of my posts in Spanish.”

    That makes two of us ;)

  144. I keep trying to log in and it seems that I am stuck in some freakish perpetual cycle which loops me right back to the login page without ever logging me in. I’m getting irritated. What is the deal?

  145. I like tumblr. I like that it’s simple. I like that it just works. I like the look. But I still need more options.

    I am excited about moving away from dumb and useless monthly archive that comes with most blogging defaults, but not if I don’t have a search feature. Drafting posts is very useful. If you incorporate all these options–and Spanish dates, and the other feature requests here–are you still making tumblr? There is some inherent complexity in providing options; including them without losing the elegance that comes from simplicity is the holy grail of software development.

    (And for the love of all that’s holy don’t incorporate a monthly archive. Instead: let me search for a post, and when I click on that post, put it in context–with its original neighbors, and with the ability to go forwards and backwards. Make the search box smart so that searching for November 17 brings me to that day and lets me go backwards and forwards from there.)
    So I’m worried that what I secretly want is just a tumblr theme for WordPress. Nobody yet has made a blogging system that feels as effortless and graceful as this. Can you create a system robust enough to meet users’ needs without losing the simplicity that defines tumblr? I hope so. There are elegant solutions out there. Thanks for fighting the good fight and pushing back against unnecessary complexity.

    In other words, you gentlemen have style. Carry on then.

  146. Can you add someone as a friend if they use a custom domain name? I haven’t been able to figure out how.

  147. *cries*
    tags & comments pleassseeeeee

  148. Would be great to have a template or two where you could designate different content types to different sections, e.g. feeds of links in a right-hand column while maintaining other feeds in the main content area.

    Also, in the ‘Feeds’ tab, I need the list of feeds already imported to be described better. If I import a number of feeds from the same source but with different parameters (e.g. different searches), they all list with the same name, so it becomes impossible to know which is which if I want to delete a specific one. A way of seeing the full URL for each feed would be enough.

  149. getting excited to see the upcoming features!! no pressure or anything…hahahahaha….but hurry up! lol. lots of good feature requests here. the only one i care about is having some kind of communication/commenting. i temporarily solved that by adding a meebo widget but am anxiously awaiting the tumblr solution. :)

  150. I would love to see a commenting system, tagging, and human friendly urls (like the ones used here on your blog).

    Thanks for this great service!

  151. Pingback: No More 10 Things, But More On Tumblr « Kiyo’s Blog

  152. support for better divs so you can style for ex. last.fm feeds, twitter feeds and so on?

    just changed my dns thanks to this wonderfull site. ;)

  153. How come I only seem to be able to upload a picture from my computer with a picture post, and not when I want to insert a picture into a description or a regular post?

  154. I second the request to allow the day’s posts to be listed latest last, instead of latest first. Sometime you want to post a series of things and you have to post them in reverse order for it to make sense.

    Also: the ability to edit the dates of posts. And to change typeface size easily.

  155. Tumblr hosting audio and video files would make the pygmy natives of Borneo very happy, and if they are happy, they might not kill us all. And none of us want that do we?

  156. We had problems with SimplePie for our website, which reads mor tham 150 RSS feeds from different weblogs, so we swithced to Tumblr, and it looks like ir works quite well.

    Anyway, is there any rish that, lets sat, after one or two weeks site will start loads wery slowly, like it was with Simple Pie? And compliments abour Tumbls – it is great service, but i need more possibilities to customize it, and so on.

  157. human friendly urls – this gets my vote too.

  158. I like the idea of draft posts too. Don’t get me wrong, I love the simplicity like those above, but I have a weekly schedule & sometimes I have my plan for 2 days from now in my head, but nowhere to save it.
    Also… I know it’s already in the works but the “comments” (or other two-way communication) is being greatly looked forward to.
    Lastly, love the idea of embedded music.

    Also, thanks for that “Add to Tumblr” bookmarlet. Awesome!

  159. Now I’ve been using it awhile and found workaround for most of my previous requests I can say Tumblr is so awesome I’ve all but abandoned my old-fashioned blog.

    The things you’ve already got in the works are the only things I still need.

    This things awesome.
    It has rekindled my love of putting stuff on the internet.

  160. hi, i really like how tumblr is so easy to use and yet looks so good. i’m really looking forward to the two-way communication thing that you guys are coming up with though! i think it’s really important to have some form of feedback/contact from passer-bys.

  161. Yeah that’s the complaint I hear most from my visitors… they miss commenting.

  162. Terrific work, guys. I’m hooked. And, the bookmarklet is great.

    Might be nice to start a forum so your users can get together and stuff.

  163. Guys, great job with the new look/functionality and thanks so far for a job well done. I’m addicted and I love it :-)

    The FEEDS functionality however is confusing me and it would be cool if you could help me out with it.

    I’m attempting to import content from various Flickr sources (my own and my friends’), but only one works consistently whilst some don’t work at all and others work once in a blue moon.

    The one that works (nearly) all the time is:


    This one worked well for a while, but in the last week or so has pretty much dried up:


    And this one has never worked:


    It’s kind of frustrating as these imports are important to my pointless Tumblelog. On paper it’s SUCH a great idea, but in practice it’s been patchy at best.

    In closing, I second almost all of the other comments made above on the subject of feeds (not fussed about the sidebar idea though). In particular:

    * It would be nice to be able to edit existing feeds without having to delete and then recreate them.
    * Better description/detail of each feed in the Dashboard.

    Thanks guys. I love Tumblr and can’t wait for the improvements.

    Ed, London

  164. image upload seems to be broken

    cannot upload an image, either by specifying URL or by uploading image


    Image upload error

    Sorry, there was a problem with your uploaded image.

    Please make sure you selected an image file under 10MB.


    image size is only 72k

    comes from here:

  165. Is there any way of installing Google Analytics on a tumblog without installing it on your own server?

  166. Lovely stuff guys :) I look forward to seeing what you come up with on the “comments” front.

  167. @ Matt Newboult – can’t you just add the code to the custom-template?

    I don’t really need a place to _store_ music and video, but it would be nice to have an embedded flashplayer to play them. Sometimes, I run across some cool flash-files or an mp3-file and rather than risking legal hosting-trouble to me or tumblr, I would prefer to just scream it out to my little world.

  168. I would like to be able to just see my quotes or pictures or blog entry- “sort by”

  169. Hello,

    I recently started using tumblr and I love it. The feeds it generates has a lot of extraneous whitespace. Is there something I can do about this?


  170. how about a preview before you post feature?

  171. I check this blog for updates more than I should. I really look forward to comments.

  172. […]I really look forward to comments.

    Me too, me too…

  173. Nesta: if you know css you can use the custom template and muck with margins and padding in div.post.

  174. Note to Tumblr.com developers:

    Please fix and do not let information added in blog from RSS feeds to hack the page using XSS and script codes. Here is example:


    It looks like tags are alloud to use, but it should not.

  175. Talking abot /script/ tags…

  176. I love Tumblr.. i had my tumblr blog for 3 month.. but i really need a Label function.. i had more than 500 posts and is very hard to find something in the blog.. now you have to navigate trought NEXT, NEXT, NEXT to find something..
    Labels and some kind of search engine will be great!! i imagine i’m not the only one with this problem.. if you have a lot of posts, you have to label them (at least with types of posts -normal, links, video, image,..)
    Can someone help me? i’m thinking where can i migrate my tumblr blog to have these functions.. maybe a wordpress with a plug-in in my own server..

  177. I check this page from time to time.. but i never found an update! you’ll stop support tumblr??

  178. I placed comments in my tumbleblog using Haloscan.
    Take a look: [link]http://schmuck.tumblr.com/[/link]
    It would be cool a search engine in tumblr!

  179. Gotta admit, I’m really liking tumblr, but this post is kind of old, and no communication seems to be coming out about new plans. I understand if you don’t have anything to show, but … can we get some signs of life? Pretty please? ;)

    I think with comments and some sort of monthly archives and I’d just about be ready to switch over to being all tumblr. The app definitely fits my posting/sharing style well.

  180. Pingback: דברים קטנים » דברים קטנים באמת מתגלגלים הלאה

  181. My news feeds don’t seem to import themselves reliably :(

  182. Another vote for a handy way to track your old posts :)

    I’m not bothered about commenting, because it’s nice not to worry about whether people are going to comment on something or not, but if they are implemented then the option to disable should definitely be there, or, as someone above said, a little ‘contact the author’ form would be cool.

    As a photoblogger, I am all too aware of the importance of attribution. As far as I am concerned, building this into reblogging or photo/video blogging is ESSENTIAL. If someone starts blogging my photos without attribution I’m gonna get psycho on their ass (or some such other suitable angry thing). It’s a pain for people to have to manually type in a person’s name, website, page of origin etc, and so many (if not most) people won’t bother. Tumblr is great because it allows people to post content easily, but in this instance that is where it could fall down considerably. Making it easy for people to essentially ‘steal’ others content shouldn’t be applauded. This, in my mind, is a crucial point that needs to be addressed in further releases, as soon as possible.

  183. Note: the Dashboard has been slow lately.

    Also, when I sign up, your form validation says that my email me@cameron.io isn’t a real address. : \

  184. I can’t find how to make the text small — the big text default makes everything look like a kids book – where is the html editing for text size and fixing the large page margins? tx

  185. I agree with matt,
    Can we get some signs of life please? it’s been 1.5 months since the last post.

  186. Hi dudes,

    Loving the tumblr – but for some reason I can’t get to the website from my home PC.
    It’s the weirdest thing in the world – it just. won’t. load.

    Work PC fine.
    N95 fine.
    Home PC – nada…

    I don’t expect you to have the answers – but if you do happen to know of some kind of bug that might be causing this – give us a shout!
    I’m missing my tumblr!


  187. How about a mobile INTERFACE for those of us who don`t want to use SMS to post

  188. whatleydude: are you using a custom domain?

  189. I too am having problems deleting items. Yep, I’ve unsubscribed from some feeds and the entries are still there and I simply can’t find a way of deleteing certain postings… help :-)

  190. Hello, anybody out there? Just kidding, but it would be nice to see a more responsive forum for user feedback.

    I love the ease of posting to Tumblr, but I am a little concerned about the inaccessibility of the archives. The system design seems to be modeled after Twitter, but this is more like a hybrid of Blogger & Twitter – meaning we need the best of both worlds!

    Here’s my question: I thought there was a way to edit (and/or delete) older posts, but it seems to have disappeared. Now I only see one page of posts in the dashboard. I’d like to be able to access the older posts . . . thanks!

  191. I’ve contacted the support guys and gals at Tumblr and been told that once you delete a feed, you need to manually remove a posting associated with that posting… er… has *anyone* found how to delete it? … and how to delete *any* older text or quote entry? All I seem to get appearing is that hash “#” symbol on the top right…

    Tried it in both Firefox and Internet Explorer… no joy in either.

    Hmmmm… can’t edit older postings and can’t delete older postings… not very good, is it?

    … and as for accessing older posts… :-(

    Back to WordPress it is with the sound of Tumbleweed blowing away in the distance…

  192. … and there doesn’t even seem to be the option of deleting your Tumblr account!

  193. Justme – deleting and editing options are in your Dashboard.

  194. I’m double checking my eyes, too, Vincent. Appears to be. Perhaps it’s just for a short spell, but David and/or co should show up somewheres (hm, just realized I haven’t checked my email yet) and let us know what’s happened. These guys aren’t slouches in any other respect.

  195. Marco wrote about 4 hours ago:

    Maybe downtime isn’t so bad It’s interesting how much web-app downtime people will tolerate when it’s something non-critical. And these are big sites. Tonight Digg was down for a while. Digg. And Twitter has become almost beloved for its frequent downtime. I take huge precautions to make sure that Tumblr never has any downtime. Hell, I don’t even let Marco.org have any downtime. Even with huge revisions like DB schema changes, I always code it such that there isn’t a single dropped connection or user-facing error.

    And now tumblr.com and marco.org are down :-/

    (found via http://technorati.com/blogs/marco.tumblr.com)

    But maybe they’re implementing new features right now?

  196. Probably *wiggles eyebrows in anticipation*
    Good find, d.

  197. It was “only” a servercrash, no new features in the dashboard or anywhere else.

  198. Yeah, a coinkydink. Karma’s sense of timing/humor is …unsettling.

  199. Now I’m getting no import of any of my feeds at all, which is the main reason I switched to tumblelog. I dig that feature. I hope you can fix it.

  200. Hi there frankzaatar and many thanks for the tip… although I do go to the dashboard and only see options for deleting my last 3 vids and my last image… like this
    but nothing to allow me to delete quotes and text that I have already posted :-(

  201. I think Tumblr really need a better way to interact between “Tumblers” : find friends, share info, comment, etc…

  202. I do have to say that the tech support from Tumblr is excellent. I have a prob where my dashboard only shows 4 entries and nothing else, nothing showing about the other entries I’ve added, so I can’t delete anything certain entries. There’s not even a link on the bottom of my dashboard screen that says “next” but the tech support like I say is brill… just hope we find the cause of the problem.

  203. EM (earlier post) got HaloScan comments to work on his Tumblr site….I’ve tried and tried to make this work with no luck. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


  204. See? I told you that Tumblr’s tech support is great. All sorted out. Excellent service! Thanks Marco and the team.

  205. It seems that tumblr is randomly dropping posts from feeds. For example, I posted three pictures to Flickr and only one showed up on my tumblelog.

    Hopefully, it’s not a UDP style of posting.

  206. Come on, Tumblr crew… tell us what you’re working on right now. A little sign of life would be really appreciated after almost 2 months. :)

  207. Hi, great work, indeed, only just a note:
    why “Today’s Top Tumblelogs” are always the same?
    see my list

  208. The “Next” link is back in the dashboard archives. Thanks!

    Tumblr tech – Since it’s OK to use WordPress for your blog, how about using Twitter for quick & easy communiques with the people?

  209. Reblogging may seem cool to some, but blogging is IMO “publishing”. Reblogging would be “Republishing”. My concern is copyrighed works, be it, writings or photos, and people blogging and reblogging without the permission of the copyright owner(s) beyond fair use.

    Please consider this when encouraging your members to “re” blog, some of your current and future members surely may be themselves artists of all kinds and would like to see their copyrights respected, instead of being infringed upon.

  210. I really, really cannot understand why the tumblr iframe (http://www.tumblr.com/publisher/iframe) has no title tag and therefore makes my tumblelog XHTML invalid… please fix this.

    And go on with the comments thing, I really need some kind of comments :-)

    And I would like to connect to more people on tumblr.com… what about a searchable userlist (with tags, of course) or something like that? How can I find more tumblr.com users?

  211. Try this Dominik:


    (here’s Marcos post about it)

  212. So, really, what are you guys working on?

    I love tumblr. The only thing I’d request is a way to categorize and search posts.

    What about an API like the flickr api?

  213. I wish to set a title for every posts types. For now, if I put a long caption on a photo or video, the entire caption appear in the title, in the RSS feed, not very comfortable…

  214. I wish w3c xhtml recommendations validation for defaults themes, and for video insert if possible.

    Localization of the interface in different languages too.

    (Sorry for the bad formulation of my comments, I’m just a French with a poor english.)

  215. How do you make the Post Title be the page title?
    … because when i search my blog in Google it only shows the blog title for the posts that have been indexed.

  216. haloo!

    *crickets chirping*

    signs of life, please?

  217. R.I.P.
    It’s been emotional.

  218. Should I be wearing a black armband in rememberance of tumblr?

  219. For the last few months, most feature development has taken a backseat to optimizations, bugfixes, distractions, and support emails (those are… less than fun). But don’t worry – that will change very soon. I’ve optimized the hell out of Tumblr now, and we have a lot of room to grow.

    Posted by Marco at the Tumblepedia forum.

  220. It would be great to add some google analytics code here to track pageviews and visitors….

  221. Hi everyone.

    Just a simple wish list, although some of my wishes have already been covered…
    1) A search facility
    2) If and when a comment facility is added, the option to turn *off* comments.
    3) A simple pages system. Maybe with tabs on the top of the pages. Nice to able to catagorise some posts to my Tumblelog, say 5 pages max. Something simliar to http://decker.tumblr.com – which is great by the way Matthew.

    Regards to all.

  222. Oh… and one more… the option of being able to have links to external sites to open in a new window :-)

  223. Oops… just noticed that they do open in a new window… cool!

  224. As I read, Tumblr is very appreciated so I will have to try it… :)

  225. Hi all.

    I’ve just set up a Yahoo Group as a place for Tumblr users to share and promote their Tumblelogs.

    The group can be found at

    If anyone wants to share the moderating, then join up and post a message.

  226. Is support for OpenID planned?

  227. Not even a post for two months? Hello?

  228. It would be great if you could ad page support!

  229. For the record, I like the way the RSS feed shows only an excerpt of the quote posts. I’d like to see that done for the caption fields of other post types too.

  230. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
    1). Search.
    2). Reverse ordering of old posts (this way “page 1” will always have the same posts).
    3). A simple “Contact name_of_the_tumbler_here” form.
    4). Numbered pagination (eg: [Previous][1][2][3][4][5]…[8][Next])

  231. It would be very helpful to have an Archive =]

  232. IN ADDITION, since we have a video post, why not audio too? Unfortunately, not all the music I listen to have PV’s on Youtube -_-

  233. It would be brilliant for visitors to be able to add trackbacks and comments to an entry too. It’s a great way of knowing that people are reading the things you post.

    Also maybe a hit count for each entry or something…

    it’s such a fantastic tool that I now point my entire domain here – was just what I wanted!!

  234. Oh yeah, linking up MP3’s would be wicked too! (^ ^)


  235. I need a code for “click here to read more” and then I can put a few lines of my wordy posts on the front page (and on everyones dashboard) and the rest will be ‘on demand’

    That’d make me sooo happy.

  236. No post for 2 months?
    Is Tumblr going to die?

  237. Just a reminder, you can host audio files on a site like Twango and then use a “Video” post to embed it, and the audio player will show up instead of the video player.

  238. I’m getting worried…

  239. You can also upload MP3’s too http://www.boomp3.com and embed it in the text section. Works like a charm.

    See an example here:

  240. “No post for 2 months? Is Tumblr going to die?”

    i’d like to ask the same.

  241. Well, I hope tumblr is not dead…
    my requests :

    2. tags
    3. image as the title

    tumblr is great : love it !

  242. Three great suggestions JP

  243. “No post for 2 months? Is Tumblr going to die?”

    Hello? Anyone out there?

    And yes, I agree tumblr is Great! and Yes please on the following…
    2. tags
    3. image as the title

  244. I would love Markdown support to be added, so I can post without having to use full-on html or the wysiwyg interface.

  245. “And yes, I agree tumblr is Great! and Yes please on the following… 1. comments, 2. tags, 3. image as the title”

    mmmh… maybe you’re looking for a classic BLOG.

  246. Hi there Tubmblr-ites,

    I really like Tumblr although, like a few others I fear that its been put on the shelf. Have you boffins moved on or are you still going to support this great tool?

  247. Love the efficiency for grabbing stuff and quickly posting. No more copy/paste, download/upload, multiple windows and tabs open all at once just to do a simple blog post.

    I’d really like to be able to tag my posts so others can sort through it more easily and subscribe to certain feeds. I use half of it for personal use and half for business and there are subsets I want to share for business purposes with specific groups.

    I think for an enterprise business model someday, having some advanced functionality like Diigo for creating secured workgroups would be nice, but then again, your simplicity is key and a little transparency is good for everybody.

  248. I sure hope you guys are still there.

  249. I just wanted to second fionda’s suggestion:

    “For those of us who have multiple tumblrs, it would be useful for the tumblr bookmarklet to state somewhere which tumblr will get posted when you click submit.”

    That and maybe an easy way to log out and log back in right from the bookmarklet window.


  250. Just to keep the panic machine going:
    Tumblr crew where art thou?!
    I love Tumblr.. but we Tumblroids need feedback on what’s happenin’ to this platform!

    Mucho gozaimas

  251. knock, knock, knock… anyone there?

  252. Does the feed importer only accept RSS, or do it also accept Atom?

    One of my feeds are validated, but still won’t import.

  253. I’d like search functionality too. :)

  254. human / SEO friendly URLs might be nice and maybe comments. I’d like to be able to find other tumblogs more easily as well, can’t re-blog anything from sites you don’t know exist.

    I’m not really into the idea of tags / pages / archives etc. etc. as really you just end up with a full blown blog all over again. I can’t see anyone but the owner bothering to click on the tags of the average tumblr site, hell even many full blown blogs are removing tag clouds etc. realising while it sounded like a good idea no one actually uses them.

  255. I agree Stone, I think the only thing really missing is comments. A way for readers to give you feedback.

    However, for archives, I really like how Project.Ioni.St does it, it is different then anything I have ever seen before.


  256. I’d dig the ability to have music on the site that plays continuously and maybe a comment section for either blogs or pictures..or both!
    other than that i love the site

  257. I agree with Jeff. The archives on Project.ioni.st is pretty awesome!

  258. The absence of any new posts is making me a bit nervous, so I was wondering if anyone knows if/how to export a tumblr blog to another blogging tool and/or archive?


  259. Don’t be nervous courtney, Tumblr is too awesome to let die… I bet they are planning something big!

  260. … What would be really, really cool would be the ability to host tumblr on your own server.

    An ajax “live search” would IMO be much better than messy archives.

  261. The share on Tumblr javascript bookmark is fantastic, but I have a couple of small problems.

    Mac OS X Safari 3.0
    The window that the javascript creates is not resizable. This was not a problem in earlier versions of Safari, but 3.0 allows users to dynamically resize text entry boxes. I can easily enlarge a text entry box to the point where the ‘create link’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons are no longer visible.

    Title fields do not allow me to manually format long titles onto two lines. Any time I press the return or enter key, my posting is posted to my Tumblr.

  262. RSS feeds are not functioning properly. They work for a day or two and then stop. If you delete and re-create the RSS feed setting, it works again for a few days…then…dead. :-(

  263. I’m not sure tags and archives would be a good addition–too bloglike. However, and nice search box would go far for finding that old post you’d like to share with a friedn or see again yourself.

  264. Any chance the Tumblr bookmarklet could recognize Vimeo videos as it does Youtube’s?

  265. Please, just a little post to say all of you are safe and well.

  266. comments,plz

  267. Yes, comments please.

    Sort of getting the impression the developers have just got bored of tumblr and have wandered off into the distance.

    “Tumblr? Oh, s**t! Yeah… OK, I sort of remember… that thing. Was that us? Is it still going? Weird.”

  268. I didn’t know where to post this, but I figured I’ll start here. I am testing out a whole bunch of things I can do with tumblr at (http://variaas.tumblr.com).

    The “attribution link” doesn’t always work for me, so I’m running my feeds through Yahoo Pipes and adding the attribution myself. Then using jquery, I’m parsing the page and replacing the attributions with an image. This is opening up a whole bunch of functionality for me and helping me create a better visual experience for my viewers.

    If anyone from the tumblr team is around, I’d love to hear their comments and if functionality like this is being built into the backend.


  269. Actually I’ve created a blog (http://customizetumblr.wordpress.com/) to track my attempts at customizing Tumblr.

  270. Tumblr be slow of late…

  271. Great work! such a slick system.

    the ONLY thing that is preventing me from using it as my primary blog system is the fact there is no way to group things. I’d like to sort the feeds on my end. I hope you consider this funcitonality!

    thanks! have a great weekend

  272. Yeah…the last post is from April? I’m still waiting for that innovative two-way communication system and so are my friends and family. I *really* don’t want to return to blogger but if Tumblr keeps snoozing on this issue, I’ll have to bail.

  273. I am also eager waiting for the commenting feature, are you guys stopping?

  274. Pingback: links for 2007-08-18 — Archive — RD2 Blog

  275. cmon! give us some updates! we’re all waiting with baited breath!

  276. Maybe when you reach 300 comments on this post?

  277. How do you delete your blog if you no longer want to use it?

  278. so, tumblr is dead or what?

  279. yeah, anyone knows what happened today?
    i feel so lonely and so does phonkmeister.tumblr.com (i believe ;) )

  280. So if marcos blog isnt the place to discuss tumblr content policy, and email is not since it is never answered, and this is not, since my last comment was deleted – do you guys have a means of contact that works?

    The question is sensible. Several hundred blogs were deleted because they “violated content policy” yet not one of them did in as far as I can see.

    All I am urging is that you produce a content and behaviour policy that you are happy with and then stick to it.

    Decide once and for all whether you accept or want professional users, and if so , what are the restrictions on advertising, links, affiliates and so on.

    I would love to use tumblr for lots of things,such as a blog of copywriting that fascinates me.

    But right now, I have no idea of the rules – and the policy leaves me none the wiser

  281. Just great. The only thing I think is missing is a blog stats like WordPress, to see who and from where visited your Tumblr.

  282. I would like to request the following features:

    1. Option for feeds to import picasa feeds
    2. Option to redirect the feed to a feedburner feed. Blogger has this option.

  283. wtf? anyone coming back to this blog?

  284. Great, now people are starting to blog if the service is dead or not. Woops, maybe it’s just me http://www.jeffro2pt0.com/is-tumblr-dead/

  285. Pingback: Is Tumblr Dead? » Jeffro2pt0.com

  286. Tumblr is not dead. This can be gathered from Marco’s tumblog that contains updates on Tumblr optimizations. See also http://customizetumblr.wordpress.com/2007/08/27/davidville-whered-you-go/

    Still, I think it is rather odd that, when all sorts of people post their concerns on this newspost about Tumblr being still alive (and I’m sure there’s more people lurking around with the same concerns), no response of any kind has been offered here. It seems to me that this could scare away people, and that doesn’t sound like it’s good for business. Writing a small “we’re still here” snippet cannot take that much time (could even just be a comment). Is this blog read at all by its developers?

  287. Thats pretty much the same thing I said in my blog post Frank. I don’t care if a company is operating on a shoe string budget, it doesn’t take that long to tell your userbase of the progress thats been made or lack there of. A simple, “Were still here” would be nice because the last thing you want to do is let your users think your dead.

  288. Tumblr will update its “infrastructure today”. Let us hope that that implies some positive newness. Although the fact that they are pronounced already is a good signal.

  289. I would love to see the Last.FM updates be posted as a group in some way, or just to alert changes in bands, or a new listening session. After listening for a half hour my tumblr stream is just a list of songs. This is handled well by Facebook’s del.icio.us feed, where it delays the posting so that it collects a group of bookmarks together if someone’s saving a lot at once.

  290. If someday ago was the blogday.org today is the Tumblr Day: http://macintosh.iblogr.com/2007/09/04/tumblr-day-2007/

  291. Is Tumblr dead? seems like it’s been abandoned. Not even a blog post in over four months.

    I’d love it if you guys opened up with an API… Any plans????

  292. Aaaaah, please don’t let this awesome service die. I tried to blog before, but not until Tumblr came along was it actually nice and comfortable enough to keep me pulled in and active.

    Please keep up the awesome work :)

  293. Pingback: links for 2007-08-18 « chris ronan

  294. Pingback: Tumbling towards 2.0 « Davidville « chris ronan

  295. What the cheeseheaded christ is going on? This thing is about a thousand times better than any other blogging tool I’ve used, and fucking trust me, I’ve used them all, but seriously, 6 months without a peep is not a good thing. Que pasa? Hell, you want VC money, send me an email, you silly bastards.

  296. @Paul M:

    Tumblr does have an API: http://www.tumblr.com/api

    And gosh. All you people asking if Tumblr is dead. You know, the folks at Davidville use Tumblr on a daily basis. The have a vested interest to keep it alive. It’s not dying anytime soon.

  297. If tumblr falls over, stops working and then stays that way – then one might be able to consider it dead.. ’till then, it’s stacks on.

  298. No one of consequence

    An airplane with no one at the controls will keep flying, for a while.

    Nobody’s posting to the Davidville blog, nor to the Tumblr blog. Nobody’s answering tech-support queries, either.

    The lights are still on at Tumblr, but I begin to suspect nobody’s home.

  299. Tumblr got a shout-out to a heavy audience today via http://youtube.com/watch?v=2pPCkhYMQgY

  300. When TAGS?
    When COMMENTS?

  301. “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness” John 1,23

  302. Is there any way to make the title of the page on a individual post like http://whatever.com/post/123456 Blog Name – Post Title for better search engine indexing? Also on individual posts {TotalPages} only returns 1. Other then that Tumblr is an amazing service.

  303. Could someone PLEASE give Tumblr a FAVICON??? They are really useful in a lot of places and it takes a few seconds to make one!

  304. Hmmm, people are knocking, but I don’t think anyones home even though the lights appear to be on.

  305. I’d only agree with the favicon suggestion of Montoya’s if it didn’t interfere with users’ own favicons they have made and inserted into their tumblr code. I don’t think it is possible for the ‘mothersite’ to have a favicon and allow for users to choose their own associated with just their own tumblelogs.

    When I was there, I know many people were irritated by Blogger’s orange favicon preventing their own blogspot’s favicon working.

    It would be a shame if Tumblr were to make the same mistake.

  306. Will comments be added soon~ Or something similar?

  307. i made my own tumblr favicon.

    echo echo echo….

  308. Any chance about XML-RPC?

  309. Tumblr have competence:


    But its API cause this:

    Tumbla (for mobile tumblelogging)
    Wintumblr (for Desktop in Windows)
    Tumblr-air (same, but builded in RIA)

    And much more. It is sad, tumblr average died

  310. There was a nice looong chat about Tumblr on the ApplePhone Show podcast episode #19

    Starting at the 6:45 mark. Tons of VERY favorable comments.

    Too bad the developers have lost all interest in it. It’s a crying shame.

  311. Well, it was fun while it lasted tumblr. I’ve been a big fan and raved about you to many people, but I can’t take the chance that you’ve lost interest in it.

    To abandon tumblr, or at least not let us know what’s going on, well, as lookinglass said, it’s a shame.

  312. The two-way communication is really mandatory for me, because I’m considering moving my entire blog to tumblr. However, I need something like comments. And I need something that doesn’t require other people to have tumblelogs to do this.

  313. Wellp Brendan, I think your out of luck as far as using Tumblr for what you need it to do.

  314. *tap tap tap*

    *cough, throat clear*


  315. Can we do something about all the Cialis spam that we’re getting? All of those new tumble logs have to be eating server cycles/space, eh?

  316. I think Davidville should just disable the comments on this post. Then less idiots would come on here and complain.


    Marco and David use it EVERY DAY. They want an update just as much as you, and they’re getting it done. So stop complaining, Tumblr is free, they have no obligation to update it. Tumblr still works, right? It’s still free, right?

    So what in sam hill are you complaining about?

  317. COMMENTS!!!! :D I can’t wait!

  318. I don’t even mind that it’s been such a long time without a change. I just think the non-responsiveness gives Tumblr the “dead” feeling. Yeah, I’d like a comment feature, but Tumblr is still running and I plan on using my tumblog either way, updates or not.

  319. Guys relax; David and Marco obviously don’t believe in regular blogs any more and are letting this post develop into another tumblelog; with comments. Dare i say we see the future of comments on our tumblelogs right here on this page?

  320. Tumblr is free, they have no obligation to update it.

    I was wondering how long it would be until some idiot came along with the OMYGOOD PEOPLE ITS FREEEA!!1 bullshit.

    Congrats cameron, You win the big prize!

  321. Anyone ever hear that quote, “No news is good news”?

  322. Hello,
    one feature i’d like is a citation for the tumblr posts you reblog.
    just a little (via johndoetumblr)
    i think it should be easy to implement.


  323. to those wanting comments – did you know you can use haloscan and other methods to put comments on yourself? tumblr wiki

  324. I don’t really know why I check this for new entries. Still, every once in a while I do. A lesson in futility I suppose. Either that or an eternal optimist.

  325. Pingback: Tumbling along

  326. Tag’s tag’s tag’s would be nice, and a way to search them


  327. i want/need to add a comments section…please help…is this available? is it in the works?…any info would be much appreciated

  328. *Knock* *Knock*

    Shame that no one has even bothered to post a quick update…

    Just one post?

    Pretty please?

    Ah go on…

    Ya know you want to…

  329. Here, here, to all of you requesting updates!

    Half a year is a long time to go without hearing from you!

  330. I LOVE TUMBLR! im addicted =D
    soo easy and cool! u guys rock!

  331. How about uploading a bunch of photos?
    It would be very useful

  332. nothing new? this (latest) post is from april 07^^

  333. pretty impressed with this tool. just started using it for my extra domain i had instead of having a empty page. only one question? is this project dead or is there going to be more new features coming soon?

  334. No, it’s not dead – otherwise all our tumblelogs or whatever they’re called would no longer exist.

    It’s just that the creators of this system seem to view the users of it with contempt, as is evidenced in their protracted silence.

    Many users have put faith in the creators and continue to put in a lot of work to their tumblr sites. We are expected to do this while we are treated with contempt. Whilst the basic service is free, I understand there is a ‘pro’ option at least under development, which would raise revenue for the creators. I would suggest it would be good business sense to use this time in development to further practice public relations skills that are more than ‘ignore the losers’ that use the otherwise excellent provision that they are beta-testing for you.

  335. ZzzZzZz.

  336. Yeah, what Drywontonmee said.

  337. I have been using Tumblr for a few months and think it is fantastic after using Blogger for many years. BUT, I get worried when I see no updates on the blog. Will Tumblr persist or simply shut down?

  338. Los usuarios de todo el mundo necesitamos saber qué pasa con Tumblr. Creo que hay bastantes cambios pequeños que le harían bien a Tumblr, pero nada sabemos.

    Los usuarios estamos preocupados.

  339. Just wondering about these features:
    -how do i let readers comment on my page?
    -is there a way to upload videos directly from my hard drive?


  340. OMG, they live! And have changed the blog layout!

  341. Pingback: Tumblr finalmente se actualiza | Canut & Geek

  342. Pingback: Tumblr: aggiornamenti in vista | Microblogging.it

  343. Pingback: ¿Qué le falta a Tumblr? | Canut & Geek

  344. Pingback: Alcides Fonseca

  345. You fellas have a superb product here. There is not a whole lot you could do to make this better. I assume at this point you could just let the code live and let the feature hunters shift to something else. Tags are gross and comments are unnecessary, nice work Davidville. Leave it simple and live and I’m completely into it. If worse comes to worse, I would pay for this service, no question.

  346. couldn’t see a successfully uploaded mp3
    I was just testing. will try/test again. later.

    So far so great.

  347. Pingback: Library clips :: A quest to discovering a private text and link sharing service :: December :: 2007

  348. Great product, can we get an inbuilt comment pls, something as solid as disqus.


  349. Pingback: Web 2.0: Tumblr finalmente se actualiza - Bitelia

  350. Pingback: Quora

  351. i think the new tumblr is good :) but tumblr will not let me reblog anything it just keeps saying: Invalid tumblelog. Invalid tumblelog.
    everytime i try to upload or reblog something.

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